About Preparatory Departments

Medium of instruction at the Faculties and Schools of Hacettepe University is either completely (100%) / partially (30%) a foreign language or completely Turkish. These foreign languages are English, French and German.

The main goal of the School of Foreign Languages is to assist students in gaining the necessary knowledge and skills in the required foreign language so that they can pursue their academic studies without any difficulty once they have left the program.

In this context, in order for the students to follow the lectures, they must acquire foreign language skills and knowledge appropriate to the purposes and expectations of the education in the foreign language prescribed by the departments they are enrolled in.

Students are grouped in the context of language skills and knowledge they need in order to pursue the educational activities in their departments as follows:


  1. 160 Program Groups: Students who will be studying a language and its scientific /humanities aspects as an academic  field in their departments are grouped under 160 coded lessons. These departments with 100% foreign language medium of instruction   are English Language and Literature, American Culture and Literature, English Linguistics, French Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Dept. of Interpretation and Translation (English, French and German branches) and Foreign Languages ​​Teaching Departments (English, French, German branches) of the Faculty of Education.

2. 150 Program Groups: Students who have chosen to study at the departments where medium of instruction is totally or partially a foreign language.

3. 140 Program Groups: Students    whose departments have Turkish language medium of  instruction are included in this group. Prep. education is optional for these students.

School of Foreign Languages aims to provide foreign language education for the academic goals of the departments by training students with proper foreign language proficiency levels in order to fulfil academic expectations of those departments where the medium of instruction is a foreign language  in the most efficient way. SFL also fulfils the task of bringing the students at the departments whose medium of instruction   is Turkish to a language competence level in order for them to  follow the field literature by equipping them with necessary foreign language knowledge and skills when they prefer to have a one year optional preparatory language education.

The school aims to realize all those above in the most efficient way in all respects by considering students’ proficiency levels determined at the beginning of their preparatory education and the time they may spend in preparatory education.

In this context, the general objectives of the preparatory programs are;

  • to allow students to be equipped with the essential knowledge and skills to enable them to continue learning languages ​​in accordance with changing needs of academic, professional and social life,
  • to provide students at the departments where the medium of instruction   is a foreign language with learning experiences that will enable them to follow the lectures, to participate in the classes effectively, to express themselves in written and spoken target language, and to acquire the necessary skills to follow the textbooks and field literature.
  • to provide students at the departments where the medium of instruction   is Turkish with learning experiences that will enable them to follow electronic or printed field literature and to improve their writing skills.